Saturday 20 October 2007

Well after many requests and a string of e-mails I have decides to have a go at this blogging thing.

Over the last few months I have spent hours reading photography blogs and in doing so I have gained a lot of help and advice as well as making many new friends.

People often ask what its like to be a full time professional photographer they want to know what day to day life is like and the most common questions relate to equipment and if we can review the gear we use or would like to use. So here goes, I intend to be a good blogger with plenty of posts and I hope some good information.

The more people who join in the better so please feel free to dive in here anytime you want. I welcome any comments or ideas you my have.

Over time I will post images of the type of work I have been doing as well as Im sure the normal rants and raves of a forty something male.

Hope to chat with you all soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not only fortysomething males that rant. I am a thirtysomething photographer and rant on a regular basis.

I am new to blogs, so will contribute wherever I can.

Angie & myself set up about three years ago now; it's been hard work but great fun too.