Helen & Andy had a fabulous wedding in the fantastic Vincent Hotel. Outside as Christmas shoppers braved the freezing temperatures Helen and Andy and their great guests were enjoying the ultra modern luxury of one of the top hotels in Lancashire.
Regular readers of this blog will know I love working in low available light and the Vincent provided a real challenge in terms of photography. Like most modern hotels all the artificial light comes from overhead down lighters. These are a tricky light source to work with at the best of times, but an unexpected challenge faced us as we entered the wedding ceremony room.
As the guests entered the room the lights were lowered to a point were they provided me with an exposure of 1/30 sec at F1.4 running an ISO of 12,000. I have never been faced with photographing a wedding at such extreme exposure settings.
So plan "B" very quickly set up a pair of Quadra,s in medium sized soft boxes.... Problem solved. At least I thought. The registrars arrived in the room and informed me the would not permit "Flash Photography". In fact I had to smile when she said she couldn't see to read the wedding contract. It really was that dark. Not sure why the hotel feel the need to keep the place so dark but as wedding photographers we often need to work with what we are given.
So the entire ceremony was recorded at 12,000 ISO on the D3s Bodies using fast 1.4 lenses. Low light is never a problem, I relish the depth and quality it can give, but NO LIGHT is a challenge;) In the end I think it worked out OK !!
Here are a few images from Helen And Andy's big day. I hope you enjoy them.
1 comment:
These are great Steve, I can't wait to see the rest. Hope you and Steph have a lovely Christmas.
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